Monthly Archives: September 2011

Design Diary 150911


Based on recent comments by the Boss, I need to straddle the pool across to enjoy the East & West axis that the pool should afford. Placed the masterbed room connected to the pool with its own deck opened from the bedroom. I think I will have a transitional space rather than direct.

Design Diary 140911

20110914-111448.jpgThere was an urgent need for me to help sort out the Doha villa, especially the basement. That’s the place where its a hideout from the summer’s heat and several pools and a hammam was designed. Since the Client showed a traditional design, we tried our best to do classical modern ie axis and vistas. Basically I sorted the basement with the Boss and had one of the architects draw up the new design.

This is a rush for submission and the whole package should be ready in a week’s time.

Design Diary 130911

20110913-025131.jpgWorking on developing the scheme.

20110913-054356.jpgSeries of voids in the middle

The Boss asked to put carpark on grade

Try to maintain that entrance of steps to majlis

Design Diary 120911


Half a day’s work. Got the draftsman to help. Just sketch to show boss tomorrow.

Maybe I am not so efficient.

Met two potential post grads for dinner. Great chat about possible topics.

Design Diary 090911


Exploring the proportion iehow the arch could be a nice classical modern one rather than traditional vernacular.

Its easier to do boxes mind you

Design Diary 080911


Doing the sections and axono sketches now. Trying to firm up the plans.

Could not put into CAD yet. Will do so later.

Design Diary 060911 + 070911


Almost half day, needed to go to UPGP and sign agreement.

Working out dimensions. Need to do sections and elevations now.

It looks half decent. Cracked my brains trying to get it right.


Expectations. It’s all around us.

Managing expectations, we need to have our own vision.

Complement it with others, our boss, colleagues, subordinates.

With our boss, it is servicing the expectations.

With our colleagues, it’s sharing it.

With our subordinates, it’s to instruct well.

Design Diary 050911


Conceptually developing the basic configuration based on earlier sketches.

Design Diary 040911


I am struggling with developing the design and I want to explore the details conceptually as fast as possible.

I want to establish the dimensions early so that I can get a sketch up done. Although I could do a 3 D axono easily myself, my sketch up assistant can manipulate with the layers and build it up.

Still struggling with the materiality but everything is evolving together like needing to imagine deeper what is the context growing out of the programme. People, events, activities…though it’s a bungalow, we can create the context inside. We can create ‘the interrelated conditions in which something exists’. Something exists to be a place and the space comes out of the scale…

In this case, from nothing, we create something. A space and place for interrelatedness.

Balance between context and construction. Scale and materiality.

Contextural Design

Design contemplates the intention and executes itself.

Execution is not intuitive but intention is.

Intuitive is a licence to make mistakes and like all abusive traits, it cuts and tears.

Contexture or the weaving of people, events and activities influences the design and formal considerations are put in the back foot.

Contextural design is an attitude to design with contexture, context and construction foremost in the mind.